Monday, 29 June 2015

Essentiality of Essential Oils

Essentiality of Essential Oils
Are you in a dilemma if essential oils should be used or not? If yes, then I have a surprise for you. You are already using them. Let me explain how. Essential oils are present in naturally occurring substances such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, perfumes, candies, herbs and spices. Natural substances consist 1% of essential oils, which is equivalent to one drop of essential oil in liquid.
Time to move from conventional coconut oil to versatile essential oils
Essential oils are nature’s kept secrets. It is time to move on from conventional oils like coconut to the new, different and better experiences of essential oils.  It is time to explore nature’s secrets. There are many essential oils having numerous uses. They are somewhat versatile; one drop of essential oil can be used for various purposes from cleaning, cooking, fragrance and healing.
Most people use essential oils to reduce stress, increasing focus and soothing muscles because of its pleasant aroma.
Essential oil’s Relevance with bible
The benefits of essential oils are recognized by bible as well. There are 188 references of essential oils in bible. These oils were said to be anoint and healing the sick. The Christ gave this following recipe for preparing “holy anointment oil’”:
·         Myrrh- 1 gallon
·         Sweet Cinnamon- ½ gallon
·         Sweet Cinnamon- 250 shekels
·         Cassia- 200 shekels
·         Olive oil- 1 1/3 gallons.
Sr. No.Blending of EO(Essential Oils)Therapy Carrier AilmentMethod for Use
1Lemon 2dropsLemon 2dropsLemon Gargle1 Glass of warm waterGood for sore scratchyMix all ingredients into a glass of warm, filtered water. Gargle until it’s all gone.
2Lemon 10 dropsLavender 10 dropsTea Tree oil 10 dropsBlemish BlockerNeatTry a little dab of this on your next pimples; you'll be able to feel it going right to work! This may sting when you apply it and don't use it too often as it may dry out your skin.Mix all the oils together and store in a dark glass container Use the end of a cotton swab to apply tiny amounts to blemishes on your skin. (Note: Although Lemon is not a “neat” oil, in the
base of Lavender and Tea Tree, it
is safe in this preparation for this particular “spot-treating”
3Eucalyptus 1 dropLavender 2 dropsLemon 3 dropsAntiseptic Spray3 Cups of WaterGood for AcneAdd 3 cups of water. Use as an air spray or as a surfactant disinfectant. 
4Tea Tree oil 2 dropsLavender oil 5 dropsCuts and Wounds therapy 2 cups of warm waterFor Cuts and WoundsAdd 7 drops of oil in 2 cups of warm water to bathe the wound and cuts
5Lavender 1 dropLavender for HeadacheNeatHeadacheMassage 1 drop of Lavender oil into your temples. Let the essences of Lavender take your pain away
6Eucalyptus 10 dropLavender 10 dropsTea Tree oil 10 dropsChildren's cure coldNeatColdFor heavy congestion during the night, put 2 drops of the mixture on a piece of cotton and tuck it inside the child’s pillowcase
7Sandalwood 2 dropsJasmine 2 dropsRosemary 2 dropsTo release sexual energyJojoba oil 2 tablespoonsEnhance sexual energyIn a diffuse, combine  2 table spoon of jojoba oil 
8Sandalwood 5 dropsComfort the BereavedJojoba oil 2 tablespoonsA massage with these oils blended into 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil helps console the grief stricken
Helps console the grief-stricken. 
9Eucalyptus 10-15 dropFor Muscle Aches & PainsSweet almond or Grape seed oil 4 mlSweet almond or Grape seed oilMix the essential oil with 4 ml of sweet almond or grape seed oil. Massage into sore muscle
10Cinnamon 4 dropsNix of LiceJojoba 1 tablespoonHead LiceTo repel head lice, add the essential oil to 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil. Rub the mixture into the scalp daily until the lice are gone. Be extremely careful to avoid the eyes
11Cinnamon 1 dropsStrengthen the gums1 teaspoon of vodka and 2 tablespoons of waterTo help firm up the gums and prevent gum diseaseAdd the essential oil to 1 teaspoon of vodka and 2 tablespoons of water. Shake the mixture well, and swish your toothbrush in it. Brush your teeth as usual
12Lemon 2 dropsGenital wart removerApply the essential oil undiluted directly to the affected area several times a day for at least 4 weeks. If used regularly, this treatment will help the wart recede and may also prevent future outbreaks
13Lemon 2 dropsPeppermint oil 2 dropsFatigue FaderCold, Moist linen cloth Mix the essential oils in a small bowl. Dip a cold, moist linen cloth into the mixture. Lie down and drape the compress across your forehead and temples. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Within 30 minutes or so, you should begin to feel refreshed and renewed
14Ylang-Ylang 2 dropsLower Blood PressureTo make use of Ylang -Ylang blood pressure lowering properties, place the 2 drops of essential oil on a tissue and inhale. This will help settle the mind and restore emotional equilibrium
15Geranium 2 drops Chamomile 2 drops De-CramperFill a bowl with steaming water and add the essential oils. Dip half of a large cloth into the water; fold the cloth and apply the warm compress to the abdomen, with the oil-soaked side away from the skin. 
16Clove oil 1 dropToothache Relief1 teaspoon of vodkaMix the essential oils with 1 teaspoon of vodka. Put the mixture on a cotton ball and use it to gently swab the gum that surrounds the painful tooth. 
17Clove oil 3 dropsBye -Bye Bugsunscented any lotion Thoroughly mix 3 drops clove oil in a bottle of unscented lotion and apply it to exposed skin several times a day. 
18Lavender oil 5 dropsFor Skin Conditions10 ml  Spring water Combine all ingredients and use as a facial toner. (Alternately, add the essential oils – without the spring water – to a simple lotion or moisturizer.) 
19Peppermint oil 3 dropsFor Stretch MarksJojoba oil 1teaspoonsMix the essential oil with 1 teaspoon of appropriate carrier oil and rub
on the affected areas daily. 
20Cinnamon oil 2 dropsPeppermint oil 4 drops Stomach MassageJojoba oil 2 tablespoonsMix oils with 2 tablespoons of carrier oil and massage into stomach for indigestion relief. 
21Peppermint oil 3 drops Lavender oil 3 drops  Eucalyptus oil 3 dropsFor Rheumatism & Arthritissweet almond oil 10 mlAdd the essential oils to 10 ml of sweet-almond oil and massage in into affected areas. 
Do not replace professional medical treatment with essential oils.
It would be an exaggeration to say you will never get sick after using essential oils. However, using these oils is a great way to attain well being and support for your body. Sometimes it is astonishing to read and experience the healing properties god placed in different plants and thus essential oils are like a blessing to us by god. We have a whole medicine cabinet by nature and we just have to figure out a proper way to use them because, if used in excess, they can turn out to be harmful.
It is advisable not to replace essential oils for medical treatment. Especially if you are pregnant, consult your doctor before using essential oils.

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