Tuesday 4 August 2015

Top 7 health problems faced By Men After 30 yeatrs of Age

The gender gap is closing gradually and men still dies 5 years prior to women, on average.  Women are simply healthier than men are. There are 15 death-causing diseases and to no surprise, men are leading in it. What can be the possible reason for such recklessness by men? 
According to Demetrius Porche, editor-in-chief of the Journal Men's Health, “Men put their health last”. Most men think that if they can live up to the expectations of their people and society, they are healthy. A research proves that men visit doctors less than women and when they do, they are likely to have a serious trouble. They do not consider the health risks as long as they are productive.


1. Cardiovascular Diseases: Takes most of the Men’s Lives.

Stroke and heart attack are the leading cause of death worldwide. The situation turns creeper as you turn old. For whatever reasons, men are more prone to heart attacks. Nothing to worry, make sure you have Healthy diets, Happy moments and Regular checkups.
We know that prevention is always better than cure that is why we recommend you to start consuming Multivitamins as soon as cross thirty because they take care of your heart by keeping a check on your cholesterol level.
How to avoid heart problems:
•             Eat less Trans fats (fat in processed foods like biscuits, pastries and cakes) and more fruits and vegetables.
•             Stop smoking if you do.
•             Start doing more of physical activities. Go for a 30-minute walk every day.
•             Take a break from your stressed working life and enjoy every weekend.

2. Diabetes: The Sweet Threat For Men

Diabetes is a significant health problem all over the world. The symptoms that bring most men to doctor are frequent thirst and urination. The risk of diabetes increases with age and thirties is the decade in which you can avoid it.
Take prior precautions to stay away from diabetes and if you cannot help it due to inheritance, you could rely on Ayurvedic supplements that lower down the sugar levels in your blood, naturally.
Reduce the risk of diabetes:
•             Exercise everyday along with a healthy diet.
•             A 30-minute walk can reduce 50%risk of diabetes in men.
•             Maintain your weight and be moderate while losing it.
•             We recommend you to use Inlife Diabetic Supplements, as they are helpful in lowering blood sugar levels.

3. Erectile Dysfunction: A Common Problem in Men Above 30.

Erectile Dysfunction may not be fatal but it gives symptoms of coming health problems like impotence. It is so obvious for men to go into depression and lose self-esteem when confronted with ED. You do not have to lose hope, because the problem is curable.
If you are suffering from erectile dysfunction, see your doctor right now and ask if your life other than sex is at risk. Another better option is to consume Multivitamins. They not only help in ED but also improve sperm count and fertility.

4. Depression: Result of Inability to Show Emotions

When a man suffers depression, he loses interest in his family, hobbies and work. Men do not accept that they are depressed or sad. They burst their emotions in the form of anger. Men usually feel reluctant to talk about their feelings and in seeking help for the same as well.
Depression is the eighth leading cause of suicide in all men. It is even higher in young men. However, with right treatment and Aromatic Products, most men can get rid of depression and gain their interest in everything back.
How to get rid of depression?
•             Perform Meditation
•             Get into a regular Routine.
•             Practice Exercise everyday
•             We recommend you to use Omved Aromatherapy Essential Wellness Set; it will cheer your mood instantly if used in right way.

5. Arthritis: The Joint Pains

The weight bearing joints and bones suffers the most as body ages. Almost all growing people suffer joint stiffness, redness, warmth, swelling and pains. All these are the symptoms of arthritis.  It can attack any joint in the body.
However, regular weight-bearing exercises can reduce the risk. Take necessary amount of calcium now and you will not regret in future.
Home remedies to reduce joint pains:
•             Lose excess weight
•             Consume enough Vitamin D and Calcium
•             Flexibility exercises
•             Acupuncture procedure
•             We recommend using Iraya Mahanarayan Taila Body Pain Reliever Oil
You even have the option to consume Supplements and medications produced with all natural ingredients.

6. Obesity: The Fastest Growing Problem

You are not alone to have few extra pounds. However, following crowd in this case is not a good idea. Carrying excess weight is risky. It not only makes you look bad, but harms your inside body as well. Excess fat is a clear indication that you are about to face some health problems. It also affects the body’s responsiveness to insulin and blood sugar levels.
Losing weight is possible. Make your mind and get into the process. You are divine; losing those pounds is not a big deal for you.
Ways to get rid of obesity:
•             Control your diet and include healthy food.
•             Exercise regularly, increasing every day.
•             Eat less sugar and carbohydrates.
•             Consume Green tea two times a day

7. Indigestion

You might know that feeling, the pain in the upper stomach after having a meal. Its dyspepsia, also known as indigestion. It can be result of few underlying problems. Most people overlook indigestion thinking that it can’t lead to death.
Yup, they think right. Indigestion can’t kill you. Grab a cup of ginger or chamomile tea and there you go!
Get rid of indigestion with following ways:
•             No smoking!
•             Limited alcohol and caffeine
•             Do not go to bed right after eating
•             Don’t take drugs unnecessarily
Ginger, Chamomile and Peppermint Oil are few of natural substances that cures indigestion. You could take help from Ayurvedic and Natural Medication, as they do not have chemicals to harm you.
So dear men, do not take your health for granted as Real men do take care of themselves. Rather than wondering why Men die earlier, pamper and love yourself.
In addition, all the women out there make sure that the above-mentioned problems never touch your man.

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