Wednesday 9 September 2015

5 Vitamins For Better Care Of Your Skin


5 Vitamins For Better Care Of Your Skin

You may think that your Skin care regime including facial cleansers, lotions, make-ups and creams is perfect, but it is not. The foods you eat and the nutrients you are consuming play a significant role in your skin’s appearance. Vitamins, either applied outside on skin or taken inside the body, can do wonders to your skin. Read more to know how vitamins help in skin care.


Vitamin A - Wrinkles and Ageing

Natural Sources: It comes from animal sources such as meat, eggs, cream, cheese, fish oil etc

Cosmetics and Supplements: In the form of tablets, lotions, pills, creams etc.

Proof: According to Doris Day, MD, assistant clinical professor of dermatology at New York University Langone Medical Center, “Anyone who wants younger-looking skin should use Vitamin A”. Scientists also found that Vitamin A is not only the building block of collagen and elastin, but it also catalyzes the production of these proteins in the body thus making it less prone to ageing. When there are less signs of ageing, there will be fewer chances of wrinkles.

Vitamin B3 - Redness and Acne

Natural Sources: Fish, chicken, peanuts, green peas, mushroom etc

Cosmetics and Supplements:In the form of creams, serums and tablets.

Proof: Vitamin B3 AKA Niacinamide have gone through clinical testing and proved itself useful when applied on skin. The elements found in Vitamin B3 helps in protecting the skin’s outer barrier from irritant and pollutants that cause redness. Other harmful results like acne are also tackled. Vitamin B3 is a must intake for your anti ageing regime.

Vitamin C – Spots and Marks

Natural Sources: All citrus fruits- orange, lime, and grapefruit. Papaya, strawberries, pineapple,
kiwifruit, cantaloupe, and raspberries are also excellent vitamin C sources.

Cosmetics and Supplements: Capsules, chewable Tablets, gels etc.

Proof: Vitamin C is great in healing acne marks. Vitamin c boosts the production of Collagen. It helps in formation of lower layer of the skin thus reducing the acne Spots. It encourages the growth of blood vessels and avoid further outbreak of acne. Better production of collagen makes your skin more firm, beautiful and flawless.

Vitamin E- Moisture and Healing

Natural Sources: Almonds, hazelnuts, Spinach, herbs, tofu etc

Cosmetics And Supplements: Moisturizers, body butters, tablets etc

Proof: Most of the creams and lotions have vitamin E as prime ingredients in them. Vitamin E has the ability to neutralize free radicals and therefore it is termed as protector of the skin. Even doctors today suggest Vitamin E supplements to people with Dry skin. Vitamin E oil provides good natural moisture to the skin and it speeds the healing process in case of an injury.

Vitamin K – Dark circles and Blood Clotting

Natural Sources: Green leafy vegetables, olive oil, Soybeans, Asparagus, Fennel, Leeks & Okra.

Cosmetics and Supplements: capsules, oils and creams.

Proof:  There are two reasons for Vitamin K helping in the process of reducing dark circles. First one is that vitamin k is responsible for the blood clotting. If not enough you could bleed to death with a minor cut. Secondly the production of Gas6 is also supported by vitamin k. Gas 6 regulates cell proliferation and cell growth.  Other than that, researches have also proved that people, who applied vitamin K oil under their eyes, got rid of dark circles very fast.

It is therefore recommended to include these vitamins in your diet and skin care regime ASAP. If not, get ready to be old with sagging skin and wrinkled face.

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