Sunday 8 November 2015

15 Worst Skin Care Mistakes Women Make Every Day

Out of the five senses, skin is the most important and largest part of our body. A healthy skin not only makes you look beautiful but also protects the inner organs of our body. A good skin care routine is of utmost importance, people know that fact and some of them unintentionally overdo it. For instance- exfoliating face every day.
These small mistakes, if not improved, will prove to be the reason of your early ageing. We have compiled a list of common skin care mistakes that women often make. Make sure you never repeat the below mentioned mistakes:

1.Exfoliating too Much:

Over exfoliating can result in removal of the protective layer (barrier) of skin. This removal exposes your skin to sunrays, pollutions toxics – All that causes early ageing. People with oily skin prefer scrubbing a lot, you may think scrubbing is eliminating the oily tissues off your skin but this actually causes the speedy oil production as the natural repair mechanism of skin is hampered.
Solution: Choose a gentle scrub and don’t exfoliate more than 2 times a week.

2.Ignoring Sunscreen :

Did you know that 50 % exposure to UVA rays occurs in shade? Sunrays are the major cause of visible signs of ageing. Even the glass of your car cannot stop these rays to stop harming you. Therefore, never skip sunscreen even if you have to work indoors or its monsoon.
Solution: Choose a sunscreen with SPF 30 and UV protection. And apply it every day, no matter what season it is.

3.Inadequate Consumption Of Water :

Our skin is made up of cells and cells are made up of water. Not enough amount of water can literally make your skin dry, thirsty and flaky. It is a fact that dry skin is more vulnerable to wrinkles and fine lines.
Solution: Drink a lot of water, cross the line of drinking 8-10 glasses per day.

4.Not Removing Makeup Before Going To Bed :

That is the worst and the most common mistake. This 2-minute makeup removal technique can make you look young for years. If you sleep with dirt, makeup and oil on your face, skin pores will be enlarged and you will age fast.
Solution: Wash your makeup face before going to bed; use wet wipes if washing is not possible.

5.Poor Sleep :

When you do not get enough sleep, body releases a stress hormone that takes away the luster of your skin.  Fine lines and dark circles follow. Beauty sleep can provide you a glow that no product can provide. Practice a good sleep cycle and stay young for a long time.
Solution: Hit the sheets for at least 7-8 hours per day.

6.Applying Skin Care Products With No Knowledge :

Never ever get fooled by a celebrity endorsing a skin product. Know what’s inside a product before buying it. Analyze if the ingredients are good to suit your skin, and then make the move. High price don’t always guarantee quality.
Solution: know you skin type, its needs, only then expose it to latest skin care products.

7.Using Someone Else’s Makeup  :

Sharing make up with someone is the worst mistake women make. If you are using borrowed foundation brushes, mascara or kohl, the chances of you getting Skin and eye infections are strong. When you put on someone else’s lipstick, you basically apply their germs on your lips, which can cause mouth infections and cold sores.
Solution: Say no to someone asking for your makeup or deal with infections.

8.Not Cleaning Brushes Regularly :

Using makeup brushes regularly without cleansing tend to collect dirt, bacteria and debris. Oily skin people need to pay special attention at brush cleaning, as their skin is prone to breakouts caused by bacteria. In addition, the dirt on the brushes can cause scratch and irritation to the skin. Washing brushes regularly is a part of skin care routine.
Brush Cleaning Procedure: Rinse them under water and wash with gentle a gentle soap. Let them dry before using and feel the softness on your face.

9.Ignoring Moisturizing  :

The culprits of making this mistake are oily-skin people. Moisturizer may be greasing your skin but its importance cannot be ignored. Water and pollution dries your skin out, making it flaky and dry. To restore its moisture, apply a good cream or lotion is of utmost importance.  If you want a healthy and glowing skin, start moisturizing your skin right now.
Solution: Find a moisturizer that do not make your skin greasy and apply it every time your skin encounters water.

10.Taking Hot Showers :

It is appealing to take a hot shower, but do not take it. Hot water takes away all the moisture and oils off your skin. It can inflame the skin; can cause itchiness, redness and peeling- just like sunburn.
Solution: use warm water instead of hot and never forget to moisturize afterwards.

11.Not Removing Makeup During Exercising  :

Exercising causes sweating and sweating open up the skin pores. Hence, makeup will go directly into the inner layer of your skin if you do not clean it and the breakouts will follow. If you work out with mascara on your lashes, it will definitely run and get into your eyes.
Solution: Clean all your makeup before hitting the gym.

12.Using Same Pillow Cases For Long :

Our skin care routine contains cleansing face before going to bed, but what if I tell you that your unchanged pillow covers are the reason of breakout? Pillowcases collect residue of makeup and shampoo when you rest your head on them. With time, this residue clog your pores and causes breakout. 
Solution : Wash your pillowcases every week to avoid getting acnes from germs.

13.Not Taking Care Of Neck :

Neck is among those body parts that show the signs of ageing. That is the reason skin care routine should not just end at chin. You expose your neck to foundation, bronzer but do you take care of it as you do your face’s? If not, you should!
Solution: Do not forget cleaning, toning, moisturizing and applying sunscreen to your neck and chest area.

14.Use Too Much Toner  :

Toning no doubt removes last traces of dirt from your face but its ingredients like Alcohol (dries skin) and Parabens (causes infection) can be very harmful to your skin. Alcohol triggers the production of a component ‘rosacea’, which further increases the risk of acne. The point is, using toner too much can inflame and irritate your skin while making it more vulnerable to pollution.
Solution : Do not use toner much often. If you want to use it daily, go for an alcohol and paraben free organic toner.

15.Not Using Anti-Ageing Products :

If you are young and want to stay that way for long, start using anti-ageing products at the right time. Our skin renews every 28 days by repairing itself. With age, this repairing function gets impaired. That is the main cause of wrinkles. Anti-ageing produces increases the production of collagen, which lowers down skin elasticity. Therefore do not wait too long to start using anti-ageing products.
Solution : Start using anti-ageing products as soon as you see any signs of ageing.

Not to forget, never expose your skin to industry based chemically manufactured products. Always prefer organic and natural methods if you want to have flawless skin forever.

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