Sunday 8 November 2015

7 Health Benefits Of Drinking Coffee

7 Health Benefits Of Drinking Coffee

Are you a coffee addict and not able to survive mornings, sleepy head without coffee? Do not feel alienated! A huge part of world is in the same category. According to economics of coffee, Around 2250,000,000 cups of coffee are consumed worldwide every day. Why shouldn’t it be? Coffee is so warm and energizing. It smells so good. Isn’t it? But, What if I tell you coffee is actually healthy and good for your body?  
Yes, you heard that right, coffee is proven to have healthy properties.  Scientists have been studying the coffee effects on different aspects of health and the results are sort of, amazing.

Following are 7 Evidences based Health Benefits of Coffee, which are confirmed by Actual Studies:


1. Coffee Boosts Energy And Makes You Smarter:

Caffeine, the stepping-stone of coffee is the most consumed Psychoactive Substance in the world. It can control various aspects of how your Brain Works. This may include energy levels, moods and reaction times. It does not just wake you up, but coffee makes you smarter as well.

2. Coffee Aids Weight Loss:

Let me tell you secret, every fat burning commercial supplement contain caffeine and the reason for that is caffeine is proved as one of natural substances that can burn fat. Having coffee can actually improve the fat burning rate. 10% in obese people and 29 % in lean ones.

3. Coffee Contains Vital Nutrients:

Coffee is not all about taste. Few nutrients in the coffee beans make it to the final cup of coffee. And these nutrients areManganese, Potassium,. Pantothenic Acid and Riboflavin. These nutrients do make a difference in your Overall Health. Coffee can fulfill their deficiency effectively.

4. Coffee Lowers Down The Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is a fatal disease that is haunting 300 million people worldwide. According to studies, people who drink coffee have a 25-30 % lower risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes.

5. Coffee Fights Depression And Makes You Happy:

In a Harvard study, it was proved that women who drank 2-4 cups of coffee had a 20% Lower Risk of getting Depressed and 53 % Lower Risk ofCcommitting Suicide. Just the smell of coffee can make you less stressed.That is why we love our caffeine.

6. Caffeine Improves Your Physical Stamina:

Coffee increases your Adrenaline Levels boosts your Workout Strength. Caffeine breaks down body fats and makes them available as fuel to perform exercise. Start consuming coffee (if you already don’t) and improve you physical strength by 11 to 12 %. Take it as a pre workout diet.

7. Coffee Protects Your Brain From  Alzheimer Disease:

Studies prove that Coffee Drinkers have a 65 % Lower Risk of getting Alzheimer Disease. The most common neurodegenerative disease is usually caused to people over 65 years of age. There is No Cure for it, but Coffee has been proved effective in preventing this disease. And prevention is always better than cure.

You are not allowed to use these benefits as excuses to take your Coffee intake to a completely new level. Keep it in limits and you will enjoy the taste plus benefits of Coffee. Never forget, everything is bad in excess.
Therefore, the Bottom line is Coffee is one of the best beverages in the whole world. Comment if you disagree.

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